Meet Dalton!
Dalton is a cheerful, active 21-month old who keeps his mom Angie on her toes. When Dalton was born as a 23-week-old preemie, Angie says the medican team didn’t give the family a lot of hope. His twin passed away shortly after birth, and Daton spent five long months in the NICU. Earlier this year, Dalton received a Cerebral Palsy diagnosis. “Statistically, boys do worse, twins do worse early, but Dalton proved everyone wrong,” Angie said. “He made them eat their words.”
These days, Dalton and his whole family, including big sisters Serene and Abrial, are working hard to expand his communication skills, improve his mobility, and to learn more about the world around him every day. Dalton works with the Butler County Board of Developmental Disabilities’ Physical Therapist Kathy Fleenor on a weekly basis in the family’s home. Keep up the good work, Dalton!
This story is a part of a series of Spotlight Stories we’re posting here on our website and also on our Facebook page, our LinkedIn page and our Instagram account. The Spotlight Stories introduce you to some of the people we support: you can learn more about their every day lives and their successes, as well as learn about the services our Board offers. Check out the other Spotlight Stories here.