Just Right Videos
Members of Speak Up create videos explaining Rights. Click on the videos below to watch them!
This video is about The Right to Help Make Decisions that Affect Your Life:
This video is about the Right to be Treated with Respect:
This video is about the Right to Vote:
This video is about the Right to Vote:
This video is about the Right to Personal Finances:
This video is about the Right to Privacy:
In 2015, the Self Advocacy group Speak Up published a calendar highlighting 12 rights of people with disabilities. Each month, they published a newsletter with ideas to help people learn more about the rights.
Click on the newsletter title to download it as a PDF.
The Right to have both men and women as friends
The Right to pursue employment opportunities
The Right to timely access to medical and dental treatment
The Right to be treated with courtesy and respect
The Right to participate in educational programs, social classes and recreational opportunities
The Right to manage your personal finances
The Right to adequate food and nutrition
The Right to participate in decisions that affect your life
The Right to communicate freely with the people you choose to communicate with