Advocacy and Community Involvement
You can gain more independence.
We can help you find a place to live or a job that fits your interests
We can even help you get the training you need. There are also many recreational and educational opportunities in our community. We can connect you with peers and help you discover new activities and experiences. We work with people in all stages of life.

Advocacy and Community Involvement
Join the advocacy group Speak Up sponsored by the Butler County Board of Developmental Disabilities. Everyone can be a self-advocate. Meetings occur on the fourth Tuesday of the month from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. at the Janet Clemmons Center in Hamilton, Ohio. Speak Up meetings are focused on ways to advocate for yourself and your community.
Speak Up – Self Advocates
Best Buddies fosters one on one friendships between adults with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities and college students without IDD. Historically, adults with IDD have been isolated at home or work environments. Best Buddies is changing this by providing the opportunity for people with IDD to be involved in campus and community life.
Best BuddiesWe make it a priority to ensure the people we support have as many opportunities as possible to work in the community just like everyone else. We partner with a variety of businesses, vocational service providers, and educational institutions to provide initial and ongoing support, from finding a job to keeping it.
Employment WORKS