A blue graphic with shooting stars, a headshot of a man with a hat on, and text that reads, "August's DSP of the Month: Steven Miller, '“Steven is compassionate, caring, and just an all around good person. He is an excellent DSP. He has a positive attitude and is really invested in helping people live more fulfilling lives."

DSP of the Month: Steven Miller

Congratulations to Steven Miller, August’s Direct Support Professional (DSP) of the Month!

Steven began his career in banking. After being laid off 3 times within 7 years Steven decided to make a complete career change.

“I’ve been an Independent Provider since August of 2023 and I must say, it’s the best decision I could have ever made,” Steven said. “My mother and sister are both Independent Providers as well, so they encouraged me to enter this field because of my love for people and my work ethic. There really is no better feeling in the world than helping someone live their life to the fullest and reach their goals. The DSP field is not only rewarding but offers something new, challenging, and fun every day!”

BCBDD Service and Support Administrator II, Holle Metz said she met Steven in a provider interview with an individual on her caseload named Paul. Holle says Paul knew right away that he wanted to work with Steven.

“I could see how much they hit it off in the first five minutes,” Holle said. “Since January, Steven has really taken Paul under his wing and helped him develop confidence, build community relationships, and explore new interests. Steven has integrated Paul and his family into his own family. Steven is compassionate, caring, and just an all-around good person. He is an excellent DSP. Paul’s life is immeasurably better since Steven began working with him. Steven has a positive attitude and is really invested in helping people live more fulfilling lives.”

2 men outdoors in the grass standing side by side giving each other "the rock."

Steven says he is proud that he can be a provider that Steven can count on to be there whenever he needs anything!

“Paul and I have developed a solid relationship build on trust and dependability,” Steven said. “Paul has had poor experiences with providers not being dependable in the past. Paul takes pride in his grooming and now has a barber he sees every two weeks. Paul has been getting better with keeping his home clean and taking care of his dog Dillon. I was able to get Paul enrolled with a Veterinarian service called Pets in Need. They offer Vet services for Dillon for little too no cost to Paul. This takes a large financial burden off his shoulders. Paul has decided to continue his education and has enrolled in Full Sail, an online university in anticipation of getting a degree in creative writing. I’m very excited about helping Paul set and achieve his goals. I feel truly blessed and honored to have Paul Dunbar in my life. I can see that he feels the same way!”

Although Steven says he has made so many great memories thus far with Paul, he says some his favorite memories have happened while cooking with Paul and talking about Cincinnati sports!

“I’m a great cook and Paul loves to eat,” Steven said. “Our conversations about Cincinnati sports, the Reds and Bengals in particular are very in depth. I think we could have a very successful Cincinnati Sports Podcast! I also really enjoy attending movies, Reds games, concerts, and Kings Island with Paul too. At the end of the day my favorite part about working with Paul is having a positive effect on his life and seeing his confidence grow daily!”

Do you know an amazing DSP who deserves to be recognized for everything they do? Nominate them below! Nominations for September’s DSP of the Month are due by Monday, September 2.

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