Report an Incident BROKEN CAPTCHA

Name (optional)
Individual's name if possible
Tell us what you witnessed. Provide as much detail as possible including when and where the incident occurred; who was involved; and whether or not law enforcement was contacted.
Max. file size: 16 MB.
If you are a provider, please submit an incident report.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

When in doubt, file a report!

DSP of the Month

DSP of the Month – Alicia Mattox

February 21, 2023

Congratulations to Alicia Mattox, February’s Direct Support Professional (DSP) of the Month! Alicia has worked for E.C.I. (Empowering and Celebrating Independence)…

DSP of the Month – Chelsea Smith

January 26, 2023

Congratulations to Chelsea Smith, January’s Direct Support Professional (DSP) of the Month! Chelsea supports Michelle Sebastian’s son, Landon. Michelle had the…