March’s Employee Spotlight of the Month: SSA Lead Katie Yount

Congratulations to Katie Yount, our Employee Spotlight for the month of March!

Growing up Katie had an aunt with cerebral palsy that she was very close to that inspired her to take her very first job after she graduated with her bachelor’s degree in Human Development and Family Studies in 2005 from Bowling Green State University.

“My first job was as a Program Assistant at a day program called United Cerebral Palsy,” Katie said. “From there, I worked at Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries at the Woodlawn and Fairfield campuses for a couple of years. Then in 2011, I took the plunge into working for a county board and became a ‘Service Facilitator’ with Hamilton County DD Services. On 3/14/2016 I joined Butler County Board of DD as a ‘Support Coordinator’ and I’ve been here since. I took on a new role as an SSA Lead in 2022 and now I have a small caseload of clients. I also complete waiting list assessments, and I’m a mentor and trainer to new SSAs who join my team.” 

Since joining the BCBDD team, Katie says she loves working for the Board simply because she can have fun and laugh with those she serves and her co-workers.

“We do hard work, but at every SSA meeting I attend, I see employees talking, laughing, interacting, and even hugging each other,” Katie said. “I’ve said it many times, but you do not see that at every place of employment. I also love working with the people we serve and their families because everyone has a unique story.” 

Although there are many important parts to being an SSA, Katie says one of the most important things to remember is that the plan an SSA creates and the services they connect the individuals they serve with are for them.

“It should always be about the individual and what they want and need,” Katie said. “One of my clients used to say that I (Katie) have a plan for her, and I said to her ‘No, you have a plan and all I do is write it down.’ I’m proud of all the individuals I’ve supported, but right now I am specifically proud of one of my clients who has matured a lot in the past few years in her relationships and social skills. She will be attending Project STIR in March 2025, and this is not something I am sure she would have been able to do a few years ago due to conflicts with peers, etc.”

SSA Lead, Tayler Stroup said Katie is one of the most hardworking and knowledgeable SSAs she knows.

“Katie is currently working on a hard case with a difficult team,” Tayler said. “She has remained professional and has always been able to advocate for the client and his needs. Katie is very transparent and honest with her clients, she always takes the time to build great relationships with them, and she is very through with assessments and follow ups. She goes above and beyond and is always able to meet the clients where they are.”

Katie has been BCBDD Community Outreach Advocate, Courtney Hineman’s, SSA since 2016 and says they have built a very trusting working relationship and friendship.

“Courtney was one of the first clients I was assigned to work with,” Katie said. “At that time, she was working at Walmart, taking college classes, living in her first apartment, and had just gotten a SELF waiver, which we both had to learn about! We laugh a lot at her meetings and when we are together, but she also trusts me to listen to her and advocate for her when something is needed.” 

In addition to all of Katie’s special relationships she has maintained with those she currently serves, Katie said she also has many fantastic memories of those individuals she has served in the past.

“I recognize a lot of names and faces and will usually remember some details of what I did for them,” Katie said. “For example, just yesterday I ran into a parent and her adult son whom I did a waiting list assessment for over a year ago. We help so many people with disabilities and their families get the supports they need, connect with one another, and more. These things are difficult for anyone to figure out on their own so having someone (like a development specialist or an SSA) to walk alongside the individual and their family is so helpful.” 

SSA Team Supervisor, Andrew Riley said Katie is an exceptional Lead SSA and person who is dedicated to the mission at the BCBDD. 

“She strives to do her best no matter if she is training new SSAs or working with families and individuals,” Andrew said. “She models the way for others in her dedication to providing quality support to all that she interacts with. When dealing with a problem, Katie is always quick to evaluate that situation and develop a plan which can sometimes mean working with others or exploring untapped resources. I am truly thankful for all she does in supporting our team and SSA department, whether that is completing plans and assessments with thorough detail or supporting a co-worker with a personal milestone.”

Is there someone from the BDBDD that has changed you and your family’s lives? Submissions for April’s Employee Spotlight of the Month are due by Friday, April 4!

Employee Spotlight – BCBDD

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Please give specific details about why this person is an outstanding Butler DD employee and deserves recognition.